Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hello & Welcome to what may be a temporary home, or may end up incorporated in to my website overhaul. Right now, I'm finishing up some new creations, playing around with this blog, as well as working on the new & improved 'Wide Eyed Girls' website, which will involve a move to a new server, hopefully a new & improved Rerooting guide, with videos & sound, instead of still pictures, simpler navigation & pared down galleries. In addition, there will be a new "feel" to the site, of which you can get a taste by checking out the new banner at the top of this page. I will leave you with a sneak peek at the new OOAKs who should be available tomorrow...as of now, they're still a work in progress, so subject to minor changes. The finished versions will be posted here on the blog  - you'll get an email from me if you're on my first-to-know site letting you know when they're up. As I am unable to edit my website at the moment, it's doubtful they'll make it to the salesroom proper, but they will be available for purchase nonetheless.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Wow Dan, fabulous dolls as usual! I can hardly wait to see the finished product. Like the feel of the blog, too.